Sunday, October 9, 2011

Some Boston Tea Party Week Links

Here's the recent story in which Joe Biden compares the Occupy Wall Street movement with the tea party.

Here's the Facebook Group: The Boston Oil Party.
Their own discussion of environmental concern remind us that the seminal event of 1773 also was an overt act of darkening the waters.

And, here's the 2009 Clip from The Daily Show on Tea Party Activists.

On The Daily Show, I could not help but think of it when reading Whitman's "Democratic Vistas" for tomorrow: "We live in an atmosphere of hypocrisy throughout...A scornful superciliousness rules in literature. The aim of all the litterateurs is to find something to make fun of" (10). Is The Daily Show actually an especially insidious form of entertainment that enables us to enjoy crises in such a way that we sit at home smugly laughing at others (presumably not as smart as we are) rather than consider potential actions to take??



  1. Deep. I agree, but also think that the comedic angle can help people cope with something that they are uncomfortable with. I think that the clip we watched made me interested in what the protesters were protesting about, causing more me to be intrigued rather than bored by yet another news report like every other news report.

  2. Badinage.

    Totally became the word on the street for this guy's Sesame Street.

    I have always found Comedy Central news to be more snotty than witty. John Stewart seems like kind of an a-hole.

    Vainglorious. Picaroons. Supercilious.

    All accurate tags for the Daily Show. But I would take those tags any day over the tags I have reserved for Fox News.

    Monsters. Odium. Abomination. Atrocity. Doltish. Debauched. Pigs.
